Our school is a wonderful place to be, with enthusiastic children that are a pleasure to teach and incredibly hardworking, along with dedicated staff and governors. Our school mission is, ‘Shine Brightly for All with Christ as Our Guide’ underpinning everything we do within our small family school, as we strive to give all children the opportunity to develop their intellectual, physical, social and spiritual attributes to ensure they receive a broad, balanced education and achieve their best. By working in partnership with all parents and carers we will ensure that our goals are achieved.
Executive Headteacher
We believe the development of the child’s self-esteem is paramount to their growth as a fully Christian person. This is the fundamental responsibility of everyone who comes into contact with the child, as is the encouragement of spiritual growth through prayer, worship and example.
The growth of self esteem in the caring Christian environment will be encouraged through respect for others, their opinions and their differences. We seek to provide pupils with a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum suited to their individual needs within a Christian environment. We aim to encourage pupils to become caring, competent, self reliant people with a knowledge of the world and a desire to learn more. Great importance is placed on both the teaching of RE and the living out of the Gospel message in every part of the school day. We place great value on traditional skills of literacy and numeracy while developing the other skills in the National Curriculum.
At St Bede's, we keep our parents, carers and families informed about upcoming events and celebrations of our children's successes. We regularly publish a newsletter, which is sent out electronically to all of our parents and is made available on this page. We also use Social media to share the very latest events, learning and religious celebrations that take place within our school.
5th June
Year 5 & 6 Newsletter - Summer 24
5th June
Year 3 & 4 Newsletter - Summer 24
5th June
Class 2 Newsletter - Summer 24
5th June
EYFS Newsletter - Summer 24
The Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust is an exempt charity. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 07890590. The registered office address is Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education HQ, Barmston Court, Turbine Business Park, Nissan Way, Washington, SR5 3NY.
Copyright © 2025 | Bishop Wilkinson Catholic Education Trust
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